Chung Ying Cantonese Restaurant – A Family Friendly Restaurant in Birmingham
- 15 March 2021
Often families tell us that they take their children to eat at Chung Ying after they had such happy memories of when their parents used to take them when they were growing up.
Recently we had a reservation with 4 generations of Chung Ying fans who visited, great grandparents, grandparents, mum & dad and children and that got us thinking…… are there Chung Ying customers who visit us with an even greater number of generations than 4? If so, please email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as we would like to know.
Chung Ying are a restaurant where families meet and catch up over our traditional Cantonese cuisine and our team very much become part of many families with the team seeing many babies become children, then becoming adults and then seeing them having their own children.
Generations of Chung Ying, Siu Chung & Yuk Ying with two children James & Richard.
Chung Ying are a family run restaurant, this is a picture of the Wong family on their opening day in 1981, there are now 3 generations of the Wongs with the youngest generation ranging from 3 to 14 years old.